Fala Gringo: Portuguese Classes for Adults

Are you interested in learning Portuguese? It’s a beautiful and useful language that can open up a world of opportunities for travel, business, and cultural exchange. Whether you’re planning a trip to Brazil, want to communicate with Portuguese-speaking colleagues, or simply want to learn a new language, our Portuguese classes can help you achieve your goals. ABRE can help you achieve this.

Here are some reasons why our Portuguese classes are a great choice:

Engaging and interactive lessons: Our classes are designed to be engaging and interactive, with plenty of opportunities for speaking, listening, and practicing your language skills.

Fun and supportive learning environment: Learning a new language can be challenging, but our classes are designed to be fun and supportive, with a focus on building confidence and fluency.

When: Mondays and Wednesdays

Time: 7pm to 8pm

Duration: 10 weeks

Level: A1 (beginner)

Are you in a different level? Take the free assessment and you will receive an exclusive link to sign up for an advanced class.

Assessment for advanced level